The American Petroleum Institute(API) was founded in 1919 as a standards-setting organization to promote safety in the oil and gas industry worldwide. The products used in the production, refining and distribution of these industries are among the most technologically advanced available in the search for the versatile raw materials. Maximum reliability and quality, as well as ensuring safe and environmentally sound extraction, processing and transportation are the cornerstones of an ethical industry. The API Monogram Program was created in order to establish an international standard. A rigorous and demanding testing process has been designed to ensure that manufacturers of production, drilling and refining equipment design and manufacture products that operate in accordance with industry standards.
We are proud that several of our products have already been tested by API and have passed all tests with flying colors.
Our mission: By the year 2025 all our products must have received this special certification! Our goal: To provide our customers with products that meet the highest standards and provide clear benefits in all areas!